Design For Manufacturability

A necessity for “Make in India” is evolving a thriving innovative eco system building all manner of things big or small, not just large volume manufacturing. This requires a whole new set of skills and knowledge to with usability, reliability and manufacturability to a demanding form factor, and power usage constraints. The partnership will aim to assist start-ups who do not have the range of skills and expertise to access mentors, experts and suppliers who can help them translate idea to prototype and prototype to first factory run. As a pilot to the DFM Assistance scheme, start-ups and mentors will advise and assist them through this process. Learning from this pilot will be used to finalize a larger assistance facility. Assistance will include mentoring and expert advice on form factor and batch runs as well as costing and connecting with ESDM eco-system for prototype development as well as First Factory run. Financing is not yet part of the assistance scheme.

If you or your organization has expertise to help start-ups, please e-mail us at

If you are a startup and have a question or need help, please e-mail us at

VP and Global Practice Head -Enterprise – Tech Mahindra

Ravi is a technocrat with a successful track record of Enterprise Mobility and Mobile Computing Systems and Solutions. He has led Innovation, Engineering and Monetization in Software and Systems in diverse areas. Likes venturing into emerging technologies and markets, creating innovative business models and successful go-to-market strategies.


Madhusudan B Patil 

Manager, Kaynes India Pvt Ltd.

Madhusudan has an overall experience of 24 years in manufacturing engineering ( and process). He started his career in BPL Sanyo from 1990. Good at conversion of paper designs to complete product and ensuring the product and process is compliant to a friendly manufacturing process.