Tips and links for Knowledge discovery among thousands of items to search. Context will provide conceptual guide but jump to Recent or Historical and click away

Goal Mailing List & Directory Discovery
Groups Forums Verticals
Components HashTags Blogs


Recent ( Last item . Scroll up for  6 months or more…)
Blogs News Discussions
Product Company Skill
Report Jobs Invitations


Historical (Now to beginning)
By Group By Vertical


M&A/Funding, , Use cases, , TechTrends, Tips


Sensors, Drones, IoTNetwork, Regulation..




The goal of IoTForum   is to help educate the Indian IoT entrepreneurs, mentors and policy makers on this vast, rapidly evolving technology that will likely transform all industries. The goal is to raise the IoT quotient of India. We plan to evangelize usage of "India appropriate technology" and cut thru PR and motivated sales talk . We consider that IoT is new and evolving and there are no role models or templates to copy . We must be prepared to make choices without waiting for the train to pass by and then find out best practices or what works. This is new as our policy makers, mentors and advisers are habituated to copy from somewhere else and are too much in awe of printed stuff much of which may not work. As Startups we question the received wisdom and will chart the new untrodden path if needed.



Different users and scenarios need different tools. We use Telegram Channel for recent and 24 by 7 connection. We have long form Blogs, third party Topics and reference type Wiki entries.  Topics can be contributed by anyone from published news and websites. Announcements can feature promotional brochure and other content

Our IoTForIndia channel is pubic and even non Telergram users can view content. You need to scroll up from most recent to past. The IoTForIndia website is source of most content and a long term archive for search. It came online  3Q 2017 and is active since 3Q 2018. Currently averages 120-200 topics and 0-3 blogs per month. We also have a formative  IoTWiki. This has been offline but is expected online by August 2019. We also have a Twitter presence @IoTForIndia. We have an active email-based newsletter too.


Join our Mail list & Directory

If you want to receive communication about or events, our newsletters do become a User on our website by registering at this link. Do join our Channel for Smartphone connection. If you want to contribute topics do post in our Telegram Group or write to us. We offer Education newsletters on using our resources. Once you join our mailing list you will get an option to subscribe to these newsletters.

We encourage you to subscribe as a member to our email list using your personal email as you may be “lost” when you change roles. If you are a founder at an IoT Start-up do get listed in our Start-up Directory. Provide your Official company email there. We will segment emails to Start-ups differently from more mass communication to the IoT Community. We also have by invite Telegram group for IoT Start-ups. Message us on Telegram  official Account @TiEIoTForum for an invitation.

You should enable Notification  on relevant Telegram Group and mute others so as not to miss out. ( We do live in a mass of WhatsApp noise ) . On Emails we offer you an option to unsubscribe from a Newsletter or an Event campaign. This will still allow you to receive IoTForum communication.



Knowledge discovery is a primary way to become more effective and efficient.  As we expect a large volume of content, we want to make it easier for infrequent readers to find or discover relevant content. We use Groups [ Link to] and Forums [ ] ]to structure content. We encourage categorizing item you create by a Topic Tag or Category (knowledge) tree ( administered by website Editors)  and by tagging ( Hashtag). We use a Topic Tag word cloud that you will see on Website Topics  and Category Tree for  Blogs and Wiki. This enable readers to browse and discover issues and concepts. Free text Search is also available but presumes the seeker knows what they are looking for. On Telegram Hashtags like #Product or #Company will help in fast scroll up on filtered posts.


We use and recommend these on posts in Telegram. Allows indexed searches.

A small photo (1 MB or less) are welcome. If you wish them to be re circulated on our website , newsletter, twitter etc please forward to our official Telegram account @TiEIoTForum

#Event for Conferences, Webinar, Meetups.

#Company Profile as an announcement.

#Product Profile as an announcement.

# Consultancy Profile as an announcement

#Invitation for Application for Pitches, Awards, Challenge

#Report for Your or third party Market Research report

#Job for a position placement

#Celebration for your start-up being showcased. A Photo is welcome


Each open public Group has a Group Landing page and discussion forums. Ultimately the community will decide what groups and what topics are covered in which Group or Forum but this is our starting assumption

Group Expected Usage
AgrItech  A specific vertical around Rural, and Agriculture, Diary and Logistics for these. We hope to evolve to more vertical specific interest group. This covers market and not just IoT startups
General A broad Omnibus Interest group covering Regulation &Standards, Markets & Verticals ( use case, Size, ), News(ecosystem, deals, Technology), Showcase ecosystem players like VC, ESDM Suppliers, Industrial designer.
IoT Stack A place for all things technical around IoT. From conceptual topics around IoT Stack  and actual implementation tools and issues for Application SW Dev( IoT , Middelware) and  HW Development( Microcontrolelrs, PCB, Casing, Antenna) &Manufacturing and sourcing
IoT Security Special Interst around IoT Security
Startup Covering Startup as a ( less the technology and engineering around IoT) Things like strategy ,business models, business development and compliance , News about Startups, Showcase startups.



Each group has three public Forums

  1. Announcements You can post a short Profile of yourself (if a freelancer or independent consultant) or your company when you first join the WPSite or Telegram Group and when a significant update is needed. You can post a announcement for any meetup or Event you are hosting. There are 4 expectations for this community service
    1. Minimize Noise. Keep your posting brief and provide a link for more information or call to action.
    2. Do not spam . Posting an event more than twice will get you muted. Posting a self-promotional more then once in 6 months is likely to get you muted
    3. The Announcement should be directly connected to you the member. It is your event, meetup, product or company. We discourage PR folks and marketing folks from bulk and mass postings. We are here to help the IoT ecosystem thrive and are concerned at excessive noise drowning out quality content.
    4. Use the Official Hashtags like #Event, #Company,
  2. News You are encouraged to post links to stuff you read that is topical and relevant to the group. Please keep the following in mind
    1. Post a URL to that item and a short commentary ( 200 words or less if possible)
    2. For trending news do check the item has not been already posted. If it has add a reply to that item to contribute your Point of View. Search by URL or key words in Telegram
    3. If you have a longer-term Point of View or question you expect to discuss for days and weeks use the Discussion Forum and cross link to the News item. In Telegram you can copy a link to a item and use it as a URL to post a new item. Use #Discussion Hashtag in your post
  3. Discussion This is for longer running and more detailed debate or exploration of any news, trend or issue that is of interest. By separating high volume news and announcements into separate forums we hope to let the community engage in extended debate and resolve issues. We expect the consensus or alternative PoV to be summarized in a blog post , lead to an “official” position paper or advisory by IoTForum. Use #Discussion Hashtag in your post


We have classified by Industry or vertical or sector . Similar in IoT Start-up Directory

Vertical Description
V1 Consumer House, Apartment, Mobile on person
V7 Wellness Healthcare, Diagnostics, Clinical, Sport, Quantified Self, Wearable, Ingestible
V2 Commercial Office, Co-Work, Warehouse, School ,Bank Branch, Data-Centre
V3 Retail Shops, Mall, Stadium, Cinema, Disco, petrol station,
V4 Industrial Factor, Plant, Manufacturing, Off-Shore Oilwell

Smart City, SEZ, Campus, Gated Community, Township.

V5 Safe nation.

V6 AgriTech Village, Farming, Diary, Hydroponics. Agriculture/Food/Livestock/ and specific logistics / transport just for these
V8 Utility Power, Solar, Wind, Waste, Water. Grid, Towers, Right-Of-Way Tracks.
V9 Transport Mobile Vehicles car, truck etc. Logistics, Fleet. Drones, Robots for carrying, UAV, Cars, Trains, Bikes /HV. Rail, Space, Underwater
V10 IoT Services SI and Services for product development and solution implementation. HW ASIC, Semiconductor, Radio, Dev boards, Training, Portal and SW tools for analytics tailored for IoT. and manufacturing services.
V11 VMisc

Education, Oil, Mining, Defence, BFSI, Adtech,

Not elsewhere Classified (NEC).


For long form content. Blogs are common across the all Groups. We have partnerships with many prolific national and international bloggers and will be curating content and making it available here. We encourage the community to cross post relevant, unusual or provocative posts that they have authored or have seen somewhere else. As a matter of policy all such cross posting must be clearly attributed and if the content is valuable or behind a paywall evidence that permission has been obtained should be available. We would like to avoid copyright issues.