The IoTForIndia website is a knwoedge management resource for the IoT Startup community.
Topic Tags are used to classify topics in various ways. A topic can have more then 1 tag. Tags are grouped by certain themes. Tags have a 3 character nickname. One of
- G General Biz Development, Biz Model , Use Cases , Market Research articles,
- H Horizontal/ IoT Hardware capability/ Specialty ,
- V verticals/ Sector/Industry . Used in IoT Startup Directory
- S Services
- O offering or asset type managed (Energy, Water, Renewable...)
We have classified by Industry or vertical or sector to which they provide services . In many cases multiple verticals are served.
- V1 Consumer/Home
- V2 Commercial. Office, Co-Work, Warehouse, School ,Bank Branch, Data-Centre
- V3 Retail (Public places). Shops, Mall, Stadium, Cinema, Disco, petrol station
- V4 Industrial/Manufacturing/Plant
- V5 City Nation
- V5a Campus, SEZ, Campus, Gated Community,
- V5b City , Township.
- V6 AgriTech Village, Farming, Diary, Hydroponics. Agriculture/Food/Livestock/ and specific logistics / transport just for these
- V7 Health/Wellness (wearables athletics
- V8 Utility Power, Solar, Wind, Waste, Water. Grid, Towers, Right-Of-Way Tracks.
- V9 Transport/Logistics Mobile Vehicles car, truck etc. Logistics, Fleet.
- Robots ,Drones, for carrying, UAV, Cars, Trains, Bikes EV/HV. Rail, Space, Underwater
- V10 IoT Infra SI and Services for product development and solution implementation.
- HW ASIC, Semiconductor, Radio, Dev boards, Training, Portal and SW tools for analytics tailored for IoT. Design and manufacturing services
- V11 Misc. verticals Defense, BFSI, Education, Mining,Oil, Mining, Not elsewhere Classified (NEC).
- V1 is for Home and mobile appliances carried by people apart from wearables (which is in V7)
- V10 is all IoT Suppliers, Integrators, HW and SW and communications
These are more HW and IoT network and Product offerings oriented
- H1 IoT Horizontal
- H2 Instrumentation/Vibration/Sensor
- H3 Semi conductor ,FPGA, SoC
- H4 HW tooling , Kit,3D printer/Enclosures
- H5 HW Antenna, Gateways, Radio, IoT Infrastructure
- H6 Drone, mobile pods, Autonomous
- H7 Robots
- H8 Advertising technology, AR/VR, Beacons, Digital Signage, RFID, NFC
- H9 Smart Phone Add On Devices
- H10 IoT Platform
- H11 IoT Security IoT Network, Devices
- H12 IoT Interoperability
- H13 AI/Analytics
- H8 is broad covering AR/VR, Blue tooth beacons, RFID NFC and digital advertising HW
- H5 for LoRa, SigFox, WiFi, Zigbee , 4G,5G and networking gear
These are not Product but Services
- S2 Product Engineering
- S3 Imbedded Program Design, SOC,FPGA
- S4 Interfacing PLM,SCADA,CPG
- S5 Firmware, Embedded SW
- S6 PCB Design
- S7 SW Tools/IDE
- S8 Connectivity /Radio
- S9 Testing/Compliance
- S10 Training
- S11 3D printer/Enclosure
- S12 Cyber Security for IoT
- S13 SI Services for IoT
- S14 IoT Phone Apps Development
- S15 IoT Interoperability
Asset type being managed
- O1 Facility Ops
- O2 Equipment/Assets
- O3 Process Control
- O4 Energy/Lights/HVAC/Renewables/T&D/Grid
- O5 Water
- O6 Waste
- O7 Air/Pollution
- O8 Safety/Surveillance/Disaster Response
- O9 Parking/Traffic
- O10 Adtech
- O11 Aggregator/Portal
- O12 People, Animals
- use O4 for Renewable EV etc
- use O8 for Covid-19
- G0 Funding M&A
- G2 BizDev
- G3 BizModel
- G5 Development
- G6 IoT Stack
- G7 Edge Distributed Fog
- G8 Block Chain DLT
- G9 Tips Checklist Manifesto
- G10 Ecosystem
- G11 Regulation Standards
- G12 Governance
- G14 Usecases, Pilot,Projects
- G15 Trends Technology
- G16 Market Resarch
- G21 Open Source
- Use G16 for all Commercial reports and landscape reports by associations, consultancies
- Use G7 for all Edge Computing and G8 for Distributed Ledger Technology (Block Chain)
- Use G9 for advice, tips technical or general management , funding etc. Add G2 for sales and business development and G3 for business models. Subscription as a service, Data as a Service
- Use G2 for corporate or Industry governance and G11 for regulations
- Use G6 for overall architecture or broader around engineering and IoT
- Use G10 for the value chain supporting IoT Startups. Academia, Incubators, VC, Government, Banks
- Use G5 for generic Development of institutions (VC community) or