IoT Market Size to exceed $7 Trillion by 2020

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        The IDC study, Worldwide and Regional Internet of Things (IoT) 2014–2020 Forecast: A Virtuous Circle of Proven Value and Demand (IDC #248451), analyzes the Internet of Things (IoT) market at a worldwide level and by region. It provides an update to the worldwide IoT market outlook published in October 2013, Worldwide Internet of Things (IoT) 2013-2020 Forecast: Billions of Things, Trillions of Dollars (IDC #243661). It also updates the worldwide IoT units installed and now includes the revenue opportunity split by region. The full breadth of the IoT ecosystem revenue is put forth in the revenue forecast, encompassing revenue from the IoT system shipments themselves as well as revenue from connectivity services, infrastructure, purpose-built IoT platforms, applications, security, analytics, and professional services attributable to the base of installed IoT systems. The study discusses the key themes contributing to and characterizing the worldwide and regional growth of the IoT.


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