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Raising The IoT Quotient of India: Workshops

[ Editors Note: Various factors beyound our control like Visa for inward travel, changes to scheduling by faciltiy, personal emergency of speakers etc lead to changes.  Please check the detailes website pages for availability , venu and schedule. ]


#RaisingTheIoTQuotientOfIndia is the theme for Tuesday 30 October day 1 of IoTNext 2018. We are running  full day workshops and half day masterclass listed at . Some are general and some specific deep enabler to new trends and technologies. The IoT will be sensitized to future trends and be enabled to act on them. These will aim to enable the Start-ups to re position, and evolve to compete at a global level. A 25-minute webinar segment covers part of the range at


The global trend is to move towards on premise of low cost, low energy solution. Over a billion USD of VC investments are in over 20 start-ups developing new chips to run Machine learning or AI on small battery-operated and connect with narrow band communication and mesh approaches which are seeking to disrupt conventional approaches. For a #CallDrop nation this is a MUST.

The Tata Communications run LoRa LPWAN ( Low Wide Area Network) lets start-ups use the dominant in public spaces IoT. LPWAN are installed in Bangalore and 20 other cities and devices on battery can connect 3-16 km distant base stations and last for 3-5 years on coin cell battery. 6 Smart cities are using LoRa in India. This reduces deployment and power consumption in Smart City by 2/3 or more and is a India appropriate technology. SenRa for US has also entered the field given the emerging size. [ Workshop Link]

5G an emerging new network operating system for cellular connectivity has large portions to IoT (based on dominance of LPWAN in IoT). It covers milli seconds connection by devices, density for 75,000 devices per SqKm ( A boon for #CallDrop Nation) and energy conservation by beam forming ( Base stations do not pump radio into space where there are no devices). Much of the last mile technology can also be used with femto cells ( TRAI has to allow) and broadband Internet and 4G right now. IEEE is on the global steering committee of 5G (With 3GPP and ITU) and are running this. [ Masterclass Link]

Running advanced analytics on edge devices is a great for Indian situations. A2IoT will teach how to use sound analytics in industrial setting and manage plant machinery by analysing their hum as well as operate thru voice commands without having to connect to an Apple Siri or Amazon Alexa or Google Home. [ Workshop Link ]

Intel will walk thru an example of open toolkit enabling neural net to run on edge devices. These exploit FPGA approaches bypassing conventional CPU based SoC. Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, Microsft, Facebook, Google all are coming forward with this approach. [ Master Class Link]


Of the 1200+ IoT Start-ups (630+ in Bangalore) about 120 are doing well and 400 likely to fold up. There are 600 Start-ups over 3 years old we expect significant mortality. We are coaching start-ups to consider plan B and in-organic M&A can also be a viable plan. [ Master Class Link ]

This will build a vibrant ecosystem where talent comes back for a second match and does not retire permanently after the first match. 

A master class on organizing uses cases developing business case and RoI and selecting low cost and good pilots and selling to end users is run with Kalyani Forge, Hindalco and Flutura. This will help 153 Start-ups in Industrial IoT Space. [ Master Class Link ]

NexIoT has a workshop helping new start-ups understand and navigate 20 odd protocols in Industrial segment and retrofit security to PLC and SCADA machines. This will jump start many projects where the complexity and learning curve defeats the pilots and foreign products get selected. [ Workshop Link ]


Capture the Flag run by Hacker.Care is intended to help professionals strengthen the Red hat teams and white hackers that we badly need to build world class secure devices. This is over 2 day weekend Saturday 27th to Sunday 28th [ Link]



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