Access collaborate with LeapMind to implement AI on IoT devices with low power consumption

Forums General News (General) Access collaborate with LeapMind to implement AI on IoT devices with low power consumption

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        Access and LeapMind have entered into a collaboration agreement to provide a solution that combines Access’ advanced technology for managing edge devices in the cloud remotely with LeapMind’s advanced model compression technology. LeapMind’s advanced model compression technology equips small computing environments, including low power consumption SoC FPGAs, with deep-learning inference algorithms.

        Specifically, the combination of Access’ NetFront EdgeAI with LeapMind’s DeLTA-Lite will be provided as a comprehensive solution for building deep-learning models, distributing them to each edge device and updating them, thereby helping companies efficiently deploy and operate IoT solutions. Targeting low-cost, low-power consumption edge devices, this solution makes it possible to implement recognition features on various edge devices such as small cameras that were not previously able to utilise deep learning.

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