Six Key Internet Of Things (IoT) Trends To Watch For In 2018

Forums General News (General) Six Key Internet Of Things (IoT) Trends To Watch For In 2018

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        [ A retrospective …]
        General Trends

        If Internet was a revolution, it was only the beginning: the physical world is being re-invented and every industry is being affected, from construction to insurance.

        Investment is booming with 36 startups having raised over US$100M (there were only 8 of them three years ago) and there are 18 unicorns (private companies with a valuation above US$1B), representing close to 10% of the global blessing.

        A.I. is everywhere — machine learning, big data, you name it — it can be found in consumer products, health tech devices, service and industrial robots, and various enterprise solutions.

        Insurances like data, and to prevent damage. Cases of insurance teaming up with IoT startups are multiplying. Insurance might help IoT spread, and IoT might also become an effective trojan horse for insurance.

        Consumer Devices Are Being Reinvented

        Data is the new electricity.

        Read More..

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