What are the Benefits of GPS Tracking in the Supply Chain?

Forums General News (General) What are the Benefits of GPS Tracking in the Supply Chain?

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        GPS Tracking Is More Advanced Than Ever
        Gone are the days where you must use a proprietary or handheld display to monitor location data. Instead, you can use something you have on you at all times — your smartphone. In turn, this means that you can also access the necessary systems and information from anywhere, anytime.
        It’s still possible to access GPS systems from a conventional desktop computer or work-based terminal, but you now have the added option of mobile. Mobile support has revolutionized everything, especially regarding supply chain operations. Decisions must be made on a dime, with absolute accuracy and reliability.
        Thanks to mobile, executives and management teams can issue orders exactly when needed, no matter what they’re doing or where they are themselves. All of this productivity “given” to management can be tied together by a robust series of field service and location-tracking software. This software leads directly to greater operational efficiencies and lowers associated costs.
        A whopping 95 percent of businesses claim to have seen a noticeable improvement in their technician’s punctuality after adopting field service tools with built-in GPS tracking capability. A further 90 percent saw a boost in the number of work orders completed on time.
        What Are the Benefits?
        GPS and location service tools are powerful, that much is true. The real focus, however, should be on the vast number of benefits the technology can offer.

        1. Improved Fleet Management.
        2. Increased Driver Safety and Performance.
        3. Better Security.
        4. Enhanced Operational Efficiency.
        5. Boosted Customer Service.
        6. More Detailed Cost Analysis.
        7. Ultimate Transparency.

        Read More..

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