Airport of Things (AOT)

Forums General News (General) Airport of Things (AOT)

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      TelegramGroup IoTForIndia
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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        Streamlined access control, passenger identification and departure processes: use of advanced biometrics will simplify identification, even eradicating the need for travel documents. A series of biometric touchpoints which recognize passengers at any checkpoint such as baggage drops, security checkpoints and immigration clearance. This will hugely simplify airport access, streamlining security checkpoints, reducing queues, as well as optimizing check-in processes.

        Improve customer service with real-time, relevant information:
        In-Flight experience:
        Luggage tracking:
        Operational improvements and cost efficiency:
        Maintenance of critical airport assets: .
        Fuel efficiency: .



        Read More..

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