How a Beer Company Adapted IoT and AI To Save Thousands

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        Sugar Creek Brewing Company, based in Charlotte, NC, are pioneers in providing high-quality craft beer. However, they were losing more than $30 thousand per month due to spillage and foam build up during the manufacturing process. The inconsistency in the foam level caused an unbalanced proportion of liquid and an irregular fill level. The beer in these bottles had to be discarded, causing a loss in revenues and profits.
        The founders overcame this problem by adopting an AI solution, knowing that the technology has a solution to every problem these days. Sugar Creek Brewing Company installed Bosch IoT sensors and gathered data through these sensors on the IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT) Platform, for better understanding and preventing this foam problem and fill level issues.
        The company installed sensors along their manufacturing lines to monitor the time it takes to fill each bottle. It also monitored other parameters like temperature, pH, gravity, pressure, carbonation and beer level. This data was fed to the IBM Watson (cloud) IoT platform and analyzed, which recommended actions to be taken.
        IBM visual insights AI in the Watson IoT Platform identified Sugar Creek’s issue causing excessive foaming in the bottle and resulted in saving more than $10,000 per month. Bottles that were previously declined due to improper fill levels were almost eliminated. This tremendously increased the amount of finished product Sugar Creek was able to deliver to the market.
        “Brewing is an artist’s endeavor and AI is our secret ingredient,” said Joe Vogelbacher, CEO and co-founder, Sugar Creek Brewery. “The AI and IoT technology tell my team about many aspects of the beer, which are critical to efficiently creating a quality product. Now we can immediately point out a problem bottle. In addition, we have more controlled, precise fermentations which leads to a better flavor in the bottle The resulting cost savings and product intelligence can be reinvested into our business.”

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