Artificial Intelligence meets the Internet of Things.

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        #News(IoTStack) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Artificial Intelligence meets the Internet of Things.
        AI + IoT examples
        ET City Brain
        Tesla’s Autopilot
        Classroom monitoring systems
        IoT Platforms with AI capabilities
        Azure IoT
        Google Cloud IoT
        AWS IoT

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        These examples show how logistically complex problems can be solved by using Artificial Intelligence with a data which is streamed from IoT devices.
        As the demand for these solutions increases, the tools to build those systems are becoming more available and convenient to use.
        In the next paragraph, you will learn what options you have to build the AI/IoT system.
        IoT Platforms with AI capabilities
        IoT platforms are getting increasingly popular as they offer a variety of useful tools and cloud storage options for the data streamed from IoT devices.
        I won’t be going much into technical details on how to set up an AI+IoT project as it is not a purpose of this article.
        Azure IoT
        Azure IoT has a Github repository which was created to help you integrate AI and IoT easily.
        This code repository provides different code examples on how to use Machine Learning and Azure IoT Edge together.
        Deep Learning models can be packaged in Azure IoT Edge-compatible Docker containers and then exposed to the data using REST APIs. Alternatively, it can be deployed on the cloud and then used for predictions with REST APIs. Azure IoT has a lot of useful tutorials and case examples which are available on their website.
        Google Cloud IoT
        Google Cloud IoT is an impressive IoT platform which enables you to connect the data to the machine learning model in many different ways.
        It offers a complete set of tools for edge/on-premises computing with machine learning capabilities, similarly to Azure IoT.
        Google has also created a separate AI Platform so you can train the model there, together with a cloud storage option for the IoT data.
        There are few useful tutorials out there: this one, for example, explains how to deploy the ML model to the IoT device which updates itself on the new upcoming data.
        AWS IoT
        The well-known AWS also offers AI+IoT solutions.
        AWS IoT Analytics is especially interesting, as it offers data preparation, visualization, and machine learning tools

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.02976805238 Build 26 Aug 2019

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