Practical Exploitation of IoT Networks and Ecosystems:Troopers 2020

Forums Security Announcement (Security) Practical Exploitation of IoT Networks and Ecosystems:Troopers 2020


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        #Announcement(Security) #Event #Workshop [ via IoTGroup ]
        #City : Heidelberg, Germany #StartDateTime : 16 March 2020 #Organizer : ERNW Insight #IsTraining : Hands on workshop

        Deep Armor is offering a hands-on training for pentesting and hardening Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems, with special focus on popular communication protocols such as Zigbee, Bluetooth & BLE, as well as Device – Mobile – Cloud security topics. Students will learn to use specialized low-cost hardware (supplied to each student for the duration of the training) & software tools to perform live packet capture, manipulation and injection in wireless sensor networks and Bluetooth/BLE channels.


        Students will learn about weaknesses in consumer IoT devices (wearables) paired with mobile ecosystems (Android & iOS) — how information theft is scarily easy, and what steps can be taken to harden these designs. Cloud is an essential part of IoT, and our course includes a case study of AWS IoT Core — how to securely deploy virtual “Things”, configure the rules, accesses and communication parameters. We conclude with defensive security best practices and next generation SDLC for the products of tomorrow.a






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