Can Tech Startups Have An Open Source Business Strategy?

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        #Discussion(Startup) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Can Tech Startups Have An Open Source Business Strategy?
        How New Startups Leveraged Open Source Collaborations To Form Powerful Busi

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        Because of the cooperative approach to product development, open source many a times is not viewed as a business strategy but more as a technology model.
        Back in 1998 when the Open Source Initiative was established, the idea of making available source code would have been scary for technology companies as proprietary software was the norm, and companies did everything to protect it.
        There are many open-source software companies, some of which have gone beyond $100 million (or even $1 billion) in their annual revenue such as RedHat, Cloudera / Hortonworks (Hadoop), MuleSoft, Automattic (WordPress), Elastic, MongoDB, Acquia (Drupal), Hashicorp, Confluent (Kafka), and Databricks (Spark).
        We may only see the trend of an open-source business model rising in the coming years.
        Red Hat is the most obvious evidence that selling open source software can be lucrative.
        MySQL is another open-source led project that charges for enterprise-focused, support, and premium services that are not covered in its basic version.
        The Oracle-owned company which is one of the most popular open-source databases in the tech world makes available a free and downloadable version of its software, in addition to enterprise versions with annual subscriptions.
        And, then, several small open-source businesses changed the software industry by providing a cooperatively-built product for free rather than charging users for using proprietary code.
        How New Startups Leveraged Open Source Collaborations To Form Powerful Businesses
        This complies with the dual license business model where a company markets the software product with the choice of either an open-source licensed software product or a commercial/proprietary one.
        It is possible to create an OSS startup without having an existing open source community.
        For example, the open-source project Spark has been led by Databricks startup under a founding institution (Berkeley) and a governing institution (Apache)

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