IoTMAT 2020 6- ‘Rostrum – The Intelligent’ tracks: Sustainable Future with Susmafia & Securing Edge Device with CISO Platform Partnership


Session Blog. See overview at  IoTMATRIX 2020 Conference Summary

IoTForum and CISOPlatform co-organized IoTSecurity Panel brings together CyberSecurity veterans from large security consulting companies, Fortune 1000 security vendorsstartups, academicians and end-users. Panellists will delve into the state of the art products and ongoing research to secure devices, network and embedded applications.

They will discuss the organizational changes required going from a segregated IT and OT to a hybrid world and the investments happening in Security, regulations and laws that are upcoming, especially, the new IoT Security law sitting on the current US President's desk. The Panelists will focus on the recent development in aiding both the attacker and defenders. With the current broad MNC, consulting and startup ecosystem already thriving in India, how and what are the specific areas of research, products and consulting opportunities in IoT Security the panellists see emerging from India

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Panelists : 
Arnab Chattopadhyay (moderator), Associate Director IBM
Kingshuk Banerjee, SVP Hitachi Research
Sandeep Shukla Poonam and Prabhu Goel, Chair Professor and Head of Computer Science and Engineering Department, Indian Institute of , Kanpur, India IIT Kanpur
Scott Hankins, CEO & Co-Founder Priatta Networks
Khiro Mishra, Global Head-Cybersecurity NTT
Brian de Lemos, VP Palo Alto Networks

Key Areas We Try To Address In The Session : 

- IoT security impact on healthcare
- How is 's perception changing for IoT security
- How is getting impacted due to this change of perception

1. Federated learning, due to real-time anomaly detection needs in a federated manner using signature-based methods
2. Consolidation
3. Orchestration
4. Malware Detection
- in India PSU, especially in the power sector
- Impact of AI in IoT
- Lack of appreciation of cybersecurity
- Research at scale
- AI impact on IoT
- Shift focus to network for securing IoT devices
- Identifying device behaviour
- Focus on enterprise IoT e.g. HVAC, Smart City, distributed
- Geography-wise and industry maturity-wise: what are the key pain points regarding adopting IoT security

- How do companies like NTT working with the companies to address those challenges

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