Terms & Conditions

This website  www.iotforindia.org and related IoTWiki   has been developed by TiE Bengalore IoTForum to provide information, discuss , and reach out to theIndian   community who are interested in the subject provided by the website .  The documents and information displayed in this website are for information purposes only and readers are expected to make informed decisions based on their own due diligence.

A large amount of content is user generated and while we may edit some content we do not  warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within the Website. As a result of updates and corrections, the contents are subject to change without any notice from us.

Any specific advice or replies to queries in any part of the website is/are the personal views / opinion of such individuals and offered freely as  community discussion  and should not be construed as expert or legal advice.

Certain links on the website lead to resources located on other websites maintained by third parties over whom we may not have control or influence.


Privacy Policy

We may not comply with privacy and other laws of other nations like EU and you should keep that in mind in interacting with us.Please do not share information that you want to be private. Being an Open based on WordPress and MediWiki our ability to hide or preserve confidentiality is limited. We are run by volunteers and may not offer assistance or help. We may be vulnerable to cyberattacks

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We provide access to public API to read topics and blogs. For search of an article containing the term 'Helium', you can make a request as 
For JSON type result the endpoint is rest_route=/wp/v2/ and this an example of paginated query of blogs
This is limited to specific reasonable usage and may be denied for excessive use by a bot or program.   


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