2019 and the road ahead: BlaBlaCar

Forums Startups News (Startup) 2019 and the road ahead: BlaBlaCar

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        #News(Startup) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        BlaBlaCar will offer a mix of buses and carpooling on routes that typically see large amounts of passengers, while carpooling will continue best serving the less frequented, more granular routes. Our marketplace will effectively open to bus operators whose buses we will distribute. By proposing two complementary travel solutions, BlaBlaCar will meet the broad range of travellers’ needs. For example, on Ouibus,1/3 of bookings are made more than 7 days before departure, while on BlaBlaCar half of bookings are made in the last 24 hours. We can now address the need to book in advance as well as the need to travel at the last minute, all at affordable prices. We will fill more empty seats in cars and buses alike, and run a fully-optimised road travel network.

        The synergies between these two modes will enable us to offer lower prices while providing a better service
        The synergies between these two modes are very powerful, and will enable us to offer lower prices while providing a better service.

        Read More..

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