Benefits of IIoT and Protocol conversion at Factory Premise.: Winjit

Forums IoTStack Announcements(IoTStack) Benefits of IIoT and Protocol conversion at Factory Premise.: Winjit


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        #Announcement(IoTStack) #Company [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]
        #Organizer : Winjit #IsTraining : IoT Product Engineering Block Chain IoTSense #City : Nashik , Bangalore, Pune , USA, South Africa

        Industrial IoT can help organizations integrating, connecting PLC’s, SCADA to collect and process data in real time basis to control devices and applications that directly affecting current operations. IiOT enables organizations to improve productivity and increase operational efficiencies through real-time device connection and data processing. Creating a network of both legacy machines and new machines through PLC/Gateway devices, organizations can extend the equipment/machine lifespan, they can improve their current processes, they can track their product development with real-time dashboards, can set thresholds, alarms, alerts and can get notification on there email or phones when needed also it will surely help them to increase their OEE and if they want they can push this data on the edge/cloud as well.
        Ideal partner for a successful Industrial IoT implementation at factory premise.

        Winjit is a fast-growing provider of software consultancy, design and development services, headquartered in India. With state-of-the-art delivery centers in India, we have a team of competent professionals with expertise in different technologies.


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