Greenvironment successfully installs Wastewater Treatment Plant at ITC Gardenia Bengaluru.

Forums Startups Announcements (Startup) Greenvironment successfully installs Wastewater Treatment Plant at ITC Gardenia Bengaluru.

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        #Announcement(Startup) #Celebration [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]
        #Organizer : Greenvironment #City : Bangalore

        Why Greenvironment RTM System for #Wastewater #Treatment Plant?

        Real time monitoring (#RTM) systems give alerts to the end user & operators if concentrations of recycled wastewater cross-regulatory levels. The system is smart enough to help instruct operators to reprocess wastewater based on the alert prior to reuse.

        #RTM systems can lead to cost savings by increasing the efficiency of the treatment process and help customers reuse 24×7 water at the optimum quality for non potable purposes within the building.

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