Helios Wire sees a hidden fortune in finding lost assets

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        “We lose stuff all the time,” an oil industry executive told Larson, chief executive for Helios Wire, a satellite-enabled Internet-of-Things startup based in Vancouver, Canada. If an employee parks equipment, like a $3 million fuel drum, in a farmer’s field but leaves the company before retrieving the drum and the company’s inventory management system fails to pick that up, the drum can be lost, the executive said.

        Oil companies won’t pay $400 a year to insure that type of asset but they would pay Helios Wire “a couple dollars a month” to track it, Larson told SpaceNews.

        Astro Digital, an Earth-imaging and analysis company, is building the 20-kilogram satellites with a machine-to-machine communications payload built to Helios Wire’s specifications.

        With one satellite in orbit, Helios will begin booking revenue. With three, the venture will start to make a profit. From there, Helios will add more satellites to its constellation based on demand, Larson said.

        Helios owns 30 MHz of priority mobile satellite system S-band spectrum it acquired from Sirion Global Ltd. of Australia.

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