How AI and data can help India’s agriculture and healthcare, discuss a panel at the Bengaluru Tech Summit

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        #News(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        How AI and data can help India’s agriculture and healthcare, discuss a panel
        Data and AI for the farmer
        This startup is using AI to accelerate drug discovery
        AI for healthcare
        AI for natural disasters
        How Asian startups can accelerate AI-led healthcare

        Auto extracted Text……

        Intel uses artificial intelligence (AI) to detect pests and predict what crops will deliver the best returns.
        AI can help humanity confront one of its biggest challenges – feeding an additional two billion people by 2050 even as climate change disrupts seasons, turns arable land into deserts, and floods once-fertile deltas with seawater.
        So, how do we use AI in India?
        At the Bengaluru Tech Summit, Margit Hellwig Boette, Consul General,


        , who chaired an AI panel, asked whether India can make agriculture and healthcare sustainable by using data science and AI.
        Data and AI for the farmer
        Unfortunately, we don’t have the means and we need to use AI to help them manage inputs and improve yields through smart seeding, spraying, monitoring, and prediction of diseases.
        Our AI gives 92 percent accuracy for farmers.”
        Anandi Iyer, Director at Fraunhofer adds, “AI is of huge importance to all of us.
        AI is an assimilation of human intelligence onto the machine.
        AI for healthcare
        World Bank data shows that India spends only 3.74 percent of its GDP on healthcare.
        AI can solve several complex problems, helping in increasing healthcare penetration in the country.
        Venugopal Ganapathy, CEO of Axilor Ventures, says, “if you look at problems that startups in India are solving, they are taking on scale and complexity.
        One of our startups wants to solve tuberculosis using AI.
        We have to move from diagnostics and individual screening to screening large population sets, and only AI can help you do that.
        Docturnal and Niramai are a couple of companies from Axilor, which use AI to solve complexities at scale.”
        Gerd Hoefner, MD and President, Healthineers, says, “We need doctors but AI can help them better.
        Can AI help the individual with healthcare?
        In 50 years from now, diseases will be history, thanks to AI simply because we can identify and eradicate disease fast.
        AI for natural disasters
        Even Airbus uses AI to help save lives affected due to floods

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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