How to Tackle Logistics and Cargo Security Issues With IoT and Telematics Systems

Forums General News (General) How to Tackle Logistics and Cargo Security Issues With IoT and Telematics Systems

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        Cargo theft is a major issue for the textile industry. According to experts, it’s one of the top five industries targeted for theft for obvious reasons: expensive clothing, accessories and high-end sportswear. Security has always been a major problem for companies with vehicle fleets, but it’s an even bigger issue for textile companies since they are a priority target for criminals. Experienced thieves are always on the lookout for easy targets when planning big heists, and a truck full of expensive clothing is an enticing opportunity, this makes it particularly important to have adequate security measures in place.
        IoT technology and fleet management systems have countless benefits regarding security. To ensure the safety of the cargo on-board the vehicle, field managers have access to multiple vehicle sensors: open-door sensor, tampering alarm, motion sensor, and ignition sensor. Real-time location tracking is another prominent feature. The ability to monitor the location of a company truck on-demand has significant security benefits; should the worst happen and a thief gets away with one of the company vehicles, a field operator has to load the fleet management software, locate the vehicle and inform the police for a quick recovery.
        Managers can create geofence zones to receive notifications about arrivals and departures of fleet vehicles, which can help to quickly identify a vehicle as stolen in the event of an unscheduled movement. Another major problem for the textile industry is the timely arrival of important deliveries.
        For all this to work, textile companies need a network of connected vehicles and continuous data exchange among their vehicles, factories, and warehouses. IoT and telematics technologies provide a platform for textile businesses to connect every branch of their operation

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