IoT, Careers, and Skills

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        #News(IoTStack) [ via IoTGroup ]

        IoT, Careers, and Skills

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        Ninety percent of the so-called IoT experts know the name, they do not know the IoT.
        Probably, there will only be one percent of the crowd claiming to be IoT experts who may know the IoT.
        The first type of knowledge focuses on knowing the name of something — what it’s called.
        The second focuses on actually knowing something — that is understanding something [2].
        I happened to prepare a presentation on what is IoT, the kind of career opportunities it provides, and what it takes to be an IoT expert.
        IoT, Careers, and Skills
        Learning the IoT
        How do you know that you know the IoT?
        Here is the Feynman Technique.
        There are four steps to the Feynman Learning Technique [2].
        Choose a concept you want to learn about, (one of the expertise to develop IoT applications) Pretend you are teaching it to a high school student Identify gaps in your explanation; Go back to the source material, to better understand it.
        I did teach IoT to school kids [3] to test my knowledge and if I know the IoT.
        Here are a couple of IoT designs for the problems hey kids chose to work on.
        These designs will also provide some guidance on how to solve problems using IoT.
        I have a point of view on how to interview a candidate, especially, for an IoT role.
        Executing an IoT project is complex as it requires every digital technology and ICT skills.
        An engineer working on an IoT project should know the depth and breadth of technologies.
        Besides, he should work with teams from multiple technology backgrounds and practices.
        I want to see how the candidate would work in a real-world scenario wherein he has access to books, the Internet, teammates, and friends to solve a problem.
        After my initial round of a telephonic interview, I ask the candidate to work on solving a problem.
        I give him/her a week or two to work on the design and possibly write some code.
        I will interview the candidate based on the details that the candidate has worked on and the role that he/she would be playing

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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