IoT4 Crtical Assets : Europe

Forums Startups Announcements (Startup) IoT4 Crtical Assets : Europe


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        #Announcement(Startup) #Event #Seminar [ via IoTGroup ]
        #City : Munich #StartDateTime : 20 Nov 2019 #Organizer :

        The Industrial Internet of Things promises to generate a new wave of technological innovation that is set to permanently redefine the current digital landscape. Pioneering businesses are connecting complex, physical machines with first-class analytics to unleash a wealth of new insights that were never before possible. Companies looking to leverage the Industrial IoT in order to reduce unplanned downtime, increase efficiency and open up a new era of economic growth and competitiveness. The IoT4CA Europe Summit brings together forward-thinking companies from the Manufacturing, Energy and Transportation Industries to pave the way for the Industrial IoT revolution.

        Key themes include:
        · How has IoT changed your industry?
        · Justifying ROI on new technologies: what's proven effective?
        · How to boost your business with machine learning and A.I.
        · What are the possibilities and implications of smart factories?
        · How to develop and implement a business strategy to adapt to increased digitisation

        Industries: Oil & Gas, Transport, Construction, Automotive, Agriculture, Chemical & Power, Pharmaceuticals, Aviation

        Read More..
        Working BoT 0.699999999 Build 23 Aug 2019

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