Prevent Theft – Let’s make Things Worthless

Forums Startups News (Startup) Prevent Theft – Let’s make Things Worthless

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      TelegramGroup IoTForIndia
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        #News(Startup) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        A recent large-scale robbery of consumer electronics shows that stealing valuable goods can still be lucrative.

        The big question is, could this robbery have been “Avoided by Design”? Let’s take a look…

        Most of today’s electronic products work seamlessly out-of-the-box.

        Trackers, anti-theft locators, alarm systems and son on. For decades manufacturers, logistical partners and retail parties have developed mechanisms to prevent theft of valuable goods like gold, diamonds and, you guessed it, consumer electronics.

        Here’s a new idea for protecting goods; what if consumer electronics are completely useless until they’re unlocked with a special mechanism after purchasing?

        Some of you might be thinking that the unlocking-procedure might jeopardize the Quick-Start experience. Or that having to create and distribute unlocking codes would complicate things. All very good points. But now let’s take a look at the plus-sides to ‘worthless electronics’.

        Read More..

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