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› Forums › IoTStack › News (IoTStack) › Race for Artificial Intelligence chips
#News(IoTStack) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]
What we see shaping up is a three-way race for the future of AI based on completely different technologies. Those are:
High Performance Computing (HPC)
Neuromorphic Computing (NC)
Quantum Computing (QC).
Neuromorphic and quantum computing always seemed that they were years away. The fact is however that there are commercial neuromorphic chips and also quantum computers in use today in operational machine learning roles.
High Performance Computing
The path that everyone has been paying most attention to is high performance computing. Stick to the Deep Neural Net architectures that we know, just make them faster and easier to access.
While Intel, Nvidia, and other traditional chip makers were rushing to capitalize on the new demand for GPUs, others like Google and Microsoft are busy developing proprietary chips of their own that make their own deep learning platforms a little faster or a little more desirable than others.
Google came up with TensorFlow as its powerful, general purpose solution combined with their newly announced proprietary chips, the TPU (Tensor Processing Unit).
Microsoft has been touting its use of non-proprietary FPGAs and just released an upgrade of its Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK).