RayIoT @ WomenFundingWomen tour 27th Bangalore meetup

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        #Announcement(Startup) #Event #Meetup [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]
        #Organizer : RayIoT / Springboard Enterprise / Dell #City : Bangalore #StartDateTime : 2018-11-27 16:30:00 #EndDateTime : 2018-11-27 19:30:00

        You are invited to join Dell and Springboard Enterprises on for the Bangalore session of the Women Funding Women global tour! T​his event is part of a series to promote investment in women-led businesses. The program starts with a fireside chat featuring insights from

        Shubhra Chadda Co-Founder, Chumbak and her investor Bharati Jacob Jacob, followed by presentations from three growth stage entrepreneurs:

        Shabari Raje, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Find Me A Shoe,

        Ranjana Nair, Co-Founder & CEO, Ray IoT Solutions

        Shruti Sinha, Co-Founder & COO, Rehash Technologies

        accompanied by crowd-sourced comments and connections. Join us for this free event!

        Read More..

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