Revamping the entertainment industry with IoT

Forums General News (General) Revamping the entertainment industry with IoT

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        From tracking trends in customer preferences to providing players with highly immersive gaming experiences, IoT is set to take over the future of entertainment.

        The internet of things, with its ability to connect with and collect data from everyday objects, has brought in a wave of unprecedented change across every industry. The entertainment industry is no different and is undergoing massive changes in the way content is created and delivered to the audience. The expansion of the internet and the use of analytics and big data has brought creators and consumers closer to each other. IoT is set to make its mark on the future of entertainment by bringing content creators and the audience closer than ever before

        IoT is not just an upgrade over the existing internet that enhances information collection and sharing. IoT has the potential to be much more than that. By using sensors and actuators, IoT can provide users with highly adaptive and multisensory experiences that are infinitely more engaging than today’s entertainment; no wonder IoT can revolutionize the future of entertainment.

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