How to Use

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on your phone to keep  up-to-date with  . Small curated news and events.

Be part of #RaiseIoTQuotient.


Use the IoTWiki to browse long form and interrelated content about IoT such as What is Fog computing. There is a Featured Article link.Use the Forums to browse thru current news. Do spend time on Announcements as a way to discover the capabilities of the community and network by making (digital) friends.  Blogs especially older ones have a wealth of insight and do skim thru them. The About Menu has interesting roads to discover. Featured Items and SearchSheet are a good places to begin. Go ahead and ask questions in the discussion forum especially linking to a news or blog posts. Make it easier for community members by formulating your question in a focused manner (Sometime researching to ask the question will clear up doubts). If you are comfortable do contribute by editing IoTWiki and writing blog posts.

Join our Telegram community a replacement for WhatsApp group  . Join IoTForIndiaGroup

Avoid spamming. Avoid posting duplicates. If you have posted in the wrong forum community members will point out and repost in correct forum.

Do spread the word and get more people engaged in Raising the IoT Quotient of India.



The goal of IoTForum   is to help educate the Indian IoT entrepreneurs, mentors and policy makers on this vast, rapidly evolving technology that will likely transform all industries. The goal is to raise the IoT quotient of India. We plan to evangelize usage of "India appropriate technology" and cut thru PR and motivated sales talk . We consider that IoT is new and evolving and there are no role models or templates to copy . We must be prepared to make choices without waiting for the train to pass by and then find out best practices or what works. This is new as our policy makers, mentors and advisers are habituated to copy from somewhere else and are too much in awe of printed stuff much of which may not work. As Start-ups we question the received wisdom and will chart the new untrodden path if needed.


The website consists of two separate components. A wiki (IoTWiki)  based on MediWiki that powers Wikipedia and a WPSite which is based on WordPress(WP) site .The WPSite has social features like forming friendships, sending messages and being notified as well as business features of community discussion,  reading community curated news and community announcements of events and meetups in one central place  and blogging.

We have a telegram based outreach to your phones and if you register as a user you will be subscribed to our IoTForum emailers on events and Newsletters.


Knowledge discovery is a primary way to become more effective and efficient.  As we expect a large volume of content we want to make it easier for infrequent readers to find or discover relevant content. We encourage categorizing item you create by a Category (knowledge) tree ( administered by WPSite Editors)  and by tagging ( Fee text users can create). We use a tag cloud and Category Tree in most places to enable readers to browse and discover issues and concepts. Search is also available but presumes the seeker knows what they are looking for.


The WPSite has support for public open interest groups where members can pursue specific interests. The following groups are available now. Each Group has a Group Landing page and discussion forums. Ultimately the community will decide what groups and what topics are covered in which Group or Forum but this is our starting assumption

Group Expected Usage
AgrItech  A specific vertical around Rural, Food and Agriculture, Diary and Logistics for these. This has been an active group at IoTForum since 2015 . We hope to evolve to more vertical specific interest group. This will cover the following Categories Markets & Vertical> Agritech. In 2021 we expect to have many Domain SIG and will classify more Verticals
General A broad Omnibus Interest group covering Regulation &Standards, Markets & Verticals ( use case, Size, ), News(ecosystem, deals, Technology), Showcase ecosystem players like VC, ESDM Suppliers, Industrial designer.
IoT Stack A place for all things technical around IoT. From conceptual topics around IoT Stack  and actual implementation tools and issues for Application SW Dev( IoT Platform, Middleware) and  HW Development( Microcontroller’s, PCB, Casing, Antenna) & and sourcing
IoT Special Interest around IoT Security
Start-up Covering Start-up as a business( less the technology and engineering around IoT) Things like strategy ,business models, business development and compliance , News about Start-ups, Showcase start-ups.



Each group has three public Forums

  1. Announcements You can post a short Profile of yourself (if a freelancer or independent consultant) or your company when you first join the WPSite and when a significant update is needed. You can post a announcement for any meetup or Event you are hosting. There are 3 expectations for this community service
    • Minimize Noise. Keep your posting brief and provide a link for more information or call to action.
    • Do not spam. Posting an event more than twice will get you banned. Posting a self-promotional more than once in 6 months is likely to get you banned. You can maintain your profile section of WPSite and update that. A notification of this update will go out to your WPSite Friends.
    • The Announcement should be directly connected to you the member. It is your event, meetup, or company. We discourage PR folks and marketing folks from bulk and mass postings. We are here to help the IoT ecosystem thrive and are concerned at excessive noise drowning out quality content.[ The Editor may post announcements that are relevant but have not yet become official activities of the IoTForum]
  2. News You are encouraged to post links to stuff you read that in topical and relevant to the group. Please keep the following in mind
    • Post a URL to that item and a short commentary (200 words or less if possible)
    • Classify the news by Category and tag it with appropriate tokens. See Categorization. This is important for discovery as over time the flow of information overwhelms all of us in this hyper communicating digital-social world
    • Check the item has not been already posted. If it has added a reply to that item to contribute your Point of View.
    • If you have a longer-term Point of View or question you expect to discuss for days and weeks use the Discussion Forum and cross link to the News item.
  3. Discussion This is for longer running and more detailed debate or exploration of any news, trend or issue that is of interest. By separating high volume news and announcements into separate forums we hope to let the community engage in extended debate and resolve issues. We expect the consensus or alternative PoV to be summarized in a blog post, lead to an “official” position paper or advisory by IoTForum.


For long form content. Blogs are common across the all Groups. We have partnerships with many prolific national and international bloggers and will be curating content and making it available here. We encourage the community to cross post relevant, unusual or provocative posts that they have authored or have seen somewhere else. As a matter of policy all such cross posting must be clearly attributed and if the content is valuable or behind a paywall evidence that permission has been obtained should be available. We would like to avoid copyright issues.

Start-up Directory

The IoTForum maintains an active pan India directory which has grown from 120+ in 2014 to 900+ in 2017. This is used to help stakeholders discover relevant start-ups. We have found it in demand from policy makers to understand where help is needed, by start-ups to discover others to partner, journalist to do a deeper dive into a niche and HNI and angel funding. Please check it out .



We expect to add curated list of stakeholders like Industrial Designers, HW incubators, Testing labs , IoT Training organizations etc. We host some whitepapers and publications on IoT Security and Spectrum  here.


These are private by invite only forums where we debate and develop a position for regulatory or policy making. We currently have a FreshThinking taskforce around IoTSecurity and are forming another around OneM2M and M2M Service provider regulation being proposed by TRAI.


TiE runs almost 2 events a week. IoTForum and partners like IESA,  IEEE and IoTCoE will frequently run events from small (10-30 attendees) like monthly meet or a technical workshop to medium (75-125 attendees) like IoTDay to large (>500 attendees) like IoTNext. This is for “Offical” IoTFOrum and partner events only. If you are registered user on this website you will get our emails. The IoTForIndia Channel  and IoTForIndiaGroup also are places to discover other IoT events in India and abroad


IoT is fast evolving and diverse and multidisciplinary.  Most individuals are aware of some parts personally or thru trusted ”experts” but end up being taken in by hype and press. The IoTWiki is intended to present a survey of topics ( IoT Architecture or IoTPlatfrom or Business Model) and present a India appropriate PoV. The IoTWiki is  not an encyclopedia.It’s  a  young evolving knowledgebase and at the frontier of new stuff. We do not want to be neutral but encourage explicit advice and state your Point of View (PoV) clearly. Reasoned debate helps everyone make informed decisions. Please encourage community members to pen their PoV here


An operational definition of terms used

Unregistered users are visitors. Registered users become Members of Groups explicitly  or implicitly by taking part in discussion or activity in that group.  Members can add a Topic in a Forum and Reply to a Topic or previous reply in a Forum. They can also Comment on a Post in Blogs and maintain their own Profile. They can make Friends with other members and send messages. Members can subscribe to Topics and Posts. They will receive notifications from the system on events on subscribed Topics and Posts and updates on Friend’s profile. They can send receive messages from friends. There are member activities that are shown by the system.


User Guide

Under development