Smart Sensors For Public Health – An Affordable Solution For All

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        But what makes sensors smart city’s first choice? First is the vast ocean of data that it offers and the second is its affordability. There were times when sensors were truly expensive for many cities. However, the increasing demand and improvement in technology have led even the cities with a tight budget (or small budget) to have access to more affordable sensors. This is one of the key reasons why cities have started to focus on public health initiatives that involve the application of sensors – there is no urban area which cannot leverage benefits from the deployment of sensors. Many researchers today are finding out ways to use the sensor technology to overcome challenges in health and environment sector. As per the recent report from IDTechEx Research, the market for environmental sensors is predicted to be worth more than $3 billion by 2027.
        World Health Organisation reports that more than 5.5 million people die each year due to the effects of air pollution. Improved visibility into pollution levels and more detailed and on-time warnings can help save millions of lives. In this case, sensors forming the heart of connected systems can be extremely helpful in addressing health issues that have a direct link with the environment. For example, sensors can detect the pollution levels and warn people suffering from asthma against using a highly polluted place. On the local-level, sensors can also detect noise levels and enable city authorities to decide a place where schools can be built.

        For the sake of health, many smart cities around the world are beginning to use sensors to gather data and take initiatives to improve public health.

        Barcelona – The global leader in smart cities has installed sensors on the streetlights that monitor air quality – a part of the city’s Lighting Masterplan.

        Chicago – An initiative called ‘Array of Things’ has to lead the city to create a network of interactive sensors that capture real-time environmental data on humidity, cloud cover, noise levels, and air quality. This data can be further used by the city to enhance public health and sustainability.

        The US Environmental Protection Agency is also working with Central America to implement the use of sensors in areas where air pollution is high. This can help people suffering from asthma and air-prone disorders to keep away from the affected zone.

        Santander – The Spanish City deployed 12,500 sensors in 2010 in and around the city’s downtown district. Additionally, the city installed sensors on police vehicles and taxi cabs to measure air pollution levels in the region. The city is also making the data open to enable programmers to create apps that help citizens and tourists with the real-time information on bus-arrivals, concerts, and more.

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