The case for … cities that aren’t dystopian surveillance states

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        #News(General) [ via IoTGroup ]


        The case for … cities that aren’t dystopian surveillance states

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        Imagine your smartphone knew everything about the city – but the city didn’t know anything about you.
        Smart cities are studded with sensors that monitor what’s going on with people, vehicles, and infrastructure; and use actuators to change things based on the resultant data.
        The problem is that the smart city, as presently conceived, is a largely privatised affair designed as a public-private partnership to extract as much value as possible from its residents while providing the instrumentation and infrastructure to control any civil unrest that such an arrangement might provoke.
        Imagine a human-centred smart city that knows how many seats are free on every bus, how busy every road is, where there are short-hire bikes available and where there are potholes
        If we decide to treat people as sensors, and not as things to be sensed – if we observe Kant’s injunction that humans should be “treated as an end in themselves and not as a means to something else” – then we can modify the smart city to gather information about the things and share that information with the people.
        Imagine a human-centred smart city that knows everything it can about things.
        While we’re imagining a city that is instrumented to measure things but not people, try imagining a mobile device that gathers data about its user, but doesn’t ever share that data with anyone, ever.
        Facebook Twitter Pinterest Imagine if you could tune into a stream of city data to, for example, page a minibus that was run by the city, licensed, safe, paying a living wage and not mining your data.
        As you move around your smart city, the things around you stream data about their capabilities, limitations, prices, uses and nature.
        If you want to page a minibus – something like an Uber Pool, but run by the city, licensed, safe, paying a living wage and not mining your data – you can summon one, and yes, this exposes your identity so that the driver can find

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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