ThinkCon 2018 report

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        #News(General) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        ThingsCon is a global initiative to explore and promote the development of fair, responsible, and human-centric technologies for the IoT and beyond.

        The ThingsCon report The State of Responsible IoT is an annual collection of essays by experts from the ThingsCon community.

        With the Riot Report 2018 we want to investigate the current state of responsible IoT. In this report we explore observations, questions, concerns and hopes from practitioners and researchers alike. The authors share the challenges and opportunities they perceive right now for the development of an IoT that serves us all, based on their experiences in the field. The report presents a variety of differing opinions and experiences across the technological, regional, social, philosophical domains the IoT touches upon.


        [ See ThingsCon Rotterdam 2018 ]

        Read More..

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